Member Information

Artur Javadyan
Artur Javadyan is a graduate of the Armenian Agricultural Institute, and completed postgraduate studies at “Armenian Rural Mechanization”.
During 1989-1991, he held various senior positions in “Yerevan” Bank, and during 1997-2000 - at “ArmInvestBank”. During 1997-2020, he held the positions of Chairman of the Council of the Central Bank of the RA, Advisor to the Chairman of the Central Bank, Deputy Chairman of the Central Bank, and Chairman of the Central Bank.
During 2008-2020, as the chairman of the Central Bank of Armenia, he was the chairman of the board of UCO “National Mortgage Company”; UCO “Apartment for Youth”; credit bureau "ACRA"; "ArCa" systems; CJSC “ArmIncasation”; as well as a board member at the Armenian Stock Exchange.
From 2020 is an ambassador-at-large. From July 2021 he is a Chairman of the Board of Armenian Institute of Directors.